+91- 6309644333,040-29564333 health@aprocarediagnostics.com Hastinapuram, Hyderabad

Chairman's Message

Aprocare Diagnostics was established with the aim of contributing and rebuilding the healthcare sector. Our aim is to provide healthcare services of the highest standards – which I am proud to say we have achieved by introducing - Advanced Technology, well trained Staff, expertise Doctors providing the accurate & reliable results to our patients.. Additionally, each of our departments follows strict quality standards. I am glad to say that – a patient centered model of healthcare has been achieved through a combination of vigorous training of our staff and a high level of supervision and modern management information systems.

Aprocare Diagnostics is committed to working with all our patients, clinicians, hospitals and corporate industries to better understand their needs, deliver the highest quality of service and consistently live up to their expectations. We strongly believe that creating value addition in healthcare is the best way of offering significant benefit to our stakeholders.

Our plan for the future is to continue to serve our community by providing the best level of standard diagnostics services and by further expanding into medical and healthcare sector.